jueves, 28 de febrero de 2013

Transcription: Catillah's Demotion and Expulsion

Officers present: Commander Hargrave Kador, Commodore Vincius Caius, Templar Liuteneant Tracy Bickers.
Date: March 19th, year 111.
Place: Imperial Navy Command Outpost 21, in orbit around Saikamon II.

C. HK: we're assembled here under instructions from Admiral Saracen, of the 7th Imperial Fleet, to address the continuous reports on Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah. Commodore Caius, please read the accusations.

C. VC: very well, Sir. Since July 17th of the past year, there have been 21 reports of misconduct for Imperator Commander Catillah. Bar fights in the dining halls, discussions, being drunk, speak back at his commanding officer after duty. Small insubordination.

T.L. TB: speaking back during combat? Did he follow orders?

C. VC: yes, Imperator Commander Catillah followed the orders he disagreed with, only talked back when he returned to the base. Shall I go on?

Small silence. Hargrave Kador nods as he adds some notes to his report on what is being said.

C. VC: on October 17th, the first report came that Imperator Commander was leading his wing while being drunk. No casualties suffered, but he was ordered to return to base and report to his superiors. There have been 3 more reports like this one since then. One of them during a reconaissance mission by his wing in which the INS Revenant II was destroyed, with the death of half the tripulation; reports are sketchy on this, and it isn't clear if it was due to Imperator Commander Catillah's condition, or due to an overwhelming enemy strength that was unstoppable given his strengths.

C. HK: I'm reading the report on that battle, seems like little could have been done to win it, but a more effective retreat could have saved the INS Revenant II.

T.L. TB: what about the men and women under his orders, in the wings under his command?

C. VC: apparently, they back him. Seems like they respect him quite a lot, and the reports we have of his missconduct come from other wings and squads. Not even after the event we just discussed did his wingmen speak against him.

C. HK: missplaced loyalty on their behalf then.

T.L. TB: well, Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah has earned several medals, sir. He has been condecorated several times during the different campaigns in which he has participated, and probably that loyalty stems from those days.

C. HK: indeed, but glories past don't make up for present failures.

Vincius Caius nods firmly.

C. HK: so, we have a decorated officer who is misconducting, getting into fights, speaking back at his superiors, and risking the lives of his men with his attitude and drinking problems. Right?

C. VC: yes, Sir.

C. HK: when was the last report?

C. VC: two weeks ago, he got into a fight with his commanding officer Commander Nelly Kor-Azor. Reports say she won the fight, by the way.

C. HK: I see. I believe that, in the light of the reports and the evidences within them, we should ask Imperator Commander to abandon the Imperial Navy instead of expelling him. No need to harm the institution showing the misconduct of one of our officers. He should leave the Navy without honors, though. Any comments?

C. VC: none, Sir.

T. L. TB: I'll make sure he gets the suggestion that he should leave, then, or that we will expell him, Commander.

C. HK: very well. Next case?

Recording ends for Imperator Commander Sepherim Catillah's hearing. Reports filed under case 45-016-783, encryption level beta, security clearance beta.

miércoles, 20 de febrero de 2013

Never, Ever, Deal with a Dragon

One came from the right and a burst made him explode in a smoke of red blood. The second was following him and tried to take cover behind a small barrier, but suffered the same fate. On the left, two targets took position behind a small wall, but a grenade from the grenade launcher took care of them.

Barely five second had passed, according to his cybernetic clock.

Jordan grinned as he tuck down behind the cover, placing the rusty red metal of the vehicle between him and more enemies incoming. His assault rifle was still hissing after the heat of those many bullets crossing the cannon in this hellish cold. But he didn’t care, it was fun! And four more enemy soldiers were to be included in his payroll. By his side, Arthur took cover as well, and started reloading his magazine.

-Pass me some ammo, I’m gonna run dry soon- said Jordan with a savage smile.

Just as Arthur was giving him a few magazines, a strong wind blew from the other side of the car they were hiding behind. Snow flakes danced with the sudden gust of air, and the floor trembled like a carrier had fallen from the skies. Jordan took a quick glance through the broken glasses of the car and there, in the middle of that forsaken Caldari street, was a dragon, just like in the movies. Must have been at least 25 meters long, maybe more, with brown dark scales and a fiery look in its yellow eyes. Its mouth let some smoke come out, as it cracked his powerful armored tail like it was a whip. And with slow motions, it analyzed its surroundings.

“Hello mortals, my name is Dunkelzahn, I’ve come to explain what’s happening…” they both could hear the dragon in their heads clearly, like their own thoughts.

-Fuck! It’s true! The legend is true!-

-What legend, Arthur? What the fuck are you talking about now?-

-The Sixth World, man! Like the ancient mayans predicted, it has come! It’s fucking come! Yihaaa!-

“Mortals, don’t be afraid, I mean you no ill”.

-Fucking, mortals… guess what lizard? We’re not fucking mortals!-

With his cries directed at the gigantic beast, Jordan stood up behind the car and pulled his assault rifle against the dragon. One grenade, a second grenade, thirty bullets… they all started to fly through the space between them as he laughed at the sight, feeling his weapon tremble in his arm as the destructive power of mankind was unleashed.

And all he could think was, “how much will Kaalakiota pay me for a fucking over-grown lizard?”

Ship Log: Learning to Play Mind Clash

AVCL Connection, recording started
Date: February 21st, year 115
Pilots Present: Lyn Farel, Samira Kernher, Sepherim Catillah

Sepherim enters through the door and takes a quick glance around
Samira Kernher looks at Sepherim as he enters and stands up from her table behind the counter. She bows her head.
"Initiate Catillah, may I help you?"
Sepherim > Ave, Legionnaire Kernher
Sepherim > I read Commander Goldcore's announcement that the AVCL Connection was now officially open and that there would be shows of Mind Clash today
Sepherim > and I thought it would be good to try and understand that a bit more, after my mistakes of this afternoon
Samira Kernher > "Yes, we will be tuning the emitters to tonight's game, mister Catillah. Would you like a seat? Something to eat or drink?"
Lyn Farel slips in, looking around curiously.
Sepherim > sure, Legionnaire, I'll go ask the waitress, don't worry about me
Samira Kernher > "I am one, mister Catillah." Samira looks at Lyn as she enters. "Good evening, miss. May I help you?"
Sepherim smiles to Samira and then hears Lyn by the door and turns while straightening his jacket
Sepherim looks briefly puzzled at Samira's reply, but remains silent
Lyn Farel bows politely, sloppy and disheveled, in appearance, as usual.
Lyn Farel says innocently.
"I was just curious to visit."
Sepherim makes a polite bow to greet her, but remains silent, letting Samira deal with the newcommerSamira Kernher > "I see. Let me know if there's anything I can get for you." Samira looks back at Sepherim. "Would you like a seat at the counter or a table, mister Catillah?"
Lyn Farel > "Especially after all the fuss a special annoyance made on the IGS." She bows back to Sepherim as well.
Sepherim > whatever is best for learning about thise game, Legionnaire
Samira Kernher > "Well, the main emitter is back there," she motions to the back corner of the room, "You could take a seat near it. Alternatively, the two of you could perhaps try the Clash table. It was just installed the other evening."
Sepherim > I don't... know how to play, so I'd probably be a sloppy rival at best
Lyn Farel glances ambiguously at the table. "I have never tried Mind Clash."
Sepherim looks surprised
Samira Kernher > "I had assumed both of you hadn't, hence the suggestion."
Sepherim > ahm, it could be... interesting
Samira Kernher > "It's an amateur table, so it comes with instructions."
Lyn Farel tilts her head at Sepherim's reaction, then says faintly. "I am always curious."
Sepherim nods, mostly to himself, and heads to the table
Sepherim > let's give it a try, then
Lyn Farel follows meekly, thoughful.
Samira Kernher gestures to the table as she walks over towards it. "How much do the two of you know of the game?"
Lyn Farel > "Mostly what is described in encyclopedias."
Lyn Farel sits at the table.
Sepherim > what you and Commander Goldcore told me the other day
Sepherim shrugs, taking a seat at the table and looking at it with interest
Samira Kernher > "It is primarily a game of imagination. The neural transmitters link your minds together in a pseudo-virtual environment."
Lyn Farel takes the electrodes and plugs them behind her neck, slithgly twitching at the connection.
Samira Kernher motions to the electrodes wired up to the table. The wires are for security reasons rather than function.
Sepherim picks up his net and examines it cautiously

Sepherim > no harm can come from this, right?
Samira Kernher > "Only in very extreme matches."
Sepherim grins
Sepherim > guess we're far from that, being two new players
Samira Kernher > "No more dangerous than physical sports."
Sepherim smiles, placing the nodes in their propper place, and shifting a bit unconfortably by their touch

Samira Kernher > "It is... rather difficult to explain what actually happens in the game. I recommend taking it slow, and trying different things to start with."
Samira Kernher reaches over to turn the interface on, looking at the two of the mto see if they are ready.
Sepherim nods, tense
Lyn Farel seems to wait for a sign or anything to start.
Samira Kernher turns the device on, and then steps back. A holographic projector in the middle of the table springs to life, its bright blue light suddenly brightening the air around the table.
Samira Kernher walks back to the bar, while the projector sits idly, waiting for the "game" to begin.
Lyn Farel frowns as she tries to accomodate to the interface.
Sepherim nods to himself

Sepherim > imagination... then...
Sepherim tries to picture himself offering a greeting to Lyn
Lyn Farel frowns further as she only manages to materialize a vague noise.
Sepherim frowns as the noise hits his ears
Sepherim > I... think there's something wrong with the table, seems like there's some sort of interference
Sepherim sweats a bit, and seems barely capable of creating the image of his eyes of all the picture he'd try to depict
Lyn Farel eventually manages to make the noise more coherent in a vague image of herself, bowing.
Samira Kernher grabs two glasses from under the counter, and then fills each with water. She then walks back to the Mind Clash table and sets them down. The table itself seems to have sturdy cupholders, no doubt to prevent wild movements from causing spills.
Lyn Farel is now completely focusd on the game, her eyes closed in furious concentration.
Lyn Farel bites her lip and twitches again as she seems to understand something. In the connection her illusion suddenly transforms into a realistic slaver hound.

Sepherim shakes, his concentration waving, as he sees Lyn's image; so he focuses in trying to bow, but can only get her head to do it, as the rest of the body won't "materialize"
Sepherim shakes a bit, surprised by the change
Lyn Farel gets back to a blank state, apparently waiting silently.
Sepherim shakes, unsure of what to do, and then notices the image of the slaverhound made a sword materialize subconsciously by his side
Lyn Farel tries to picture something new but again, only noise. She seems to concentrate her attention on the sword and tries to find a parry.
Lyn Farel bites her lip outside of the link.

Sepherim sees the parry, but still his image has no hands nor arms to swing the sword, so he starts trying to create them
Lyn Farel is still unable to accomodate properly and fails to do nothing more than noise.
Sepherim starts to sweat in the real world as he manages to create a torso
Lyn Farel knows that if she does nothing he is going to hurt her with the sword, which is probably going to cause actual pain.
Sepherim smiles widely as his torso now has an arm, which slowly moves to get the sword, though moves aren't swift but chaotic and inhuman
Samira Kernher sits down on her stool at the counter, watching the holographic projections from the Mind Clash game.
Lyn Farel creates a sophisticated cleaner drone, then frowns, apparently frustrated.
Sepherim laughs in both the real world and the illusion one, and his own image flickers at the loss of concentration
Lyn Farel bites her lip deeper as the image seems to fizzle, changing rapidly between different vague things without no clear pattern.
Sepherim's sweat falls a bit on the table, as the character now has a second arm and is waving the sword pointlessly... for some reason, he seems unable to get it to stand still
Lyn Farel suddenly tilts her head as pinches and clutches emerges from the drone, along with small insect looking legs. Various red, gloomy lights starts to pulse randomly on its metal tortured body.
Samira Kernher takes out her datapad, and begins fiddling with it.
Sepherim takes a subconscious step back as he sees the drone organize, and his image flickers more
Lyn Farel's mental projection flickers out again and noise seems to bounce all around.
Lyn Farel does not seem apparently able or concerned about her mind randomly jumping in random directions.
Sepherim tries to take a defensive position with the sword, but the sword vanishes in his hands
Sepherim > what the?!
Sepherim's image starts flickering uncontrollably and vanishes as he loses his concentration
Lyn Farel suddenly materializes something else. A harsh smell of copper and synthetic oil emerges. A hook is hanging above Sepherim, with a red liquid dripping from it. Undefined bags are hanging up the metal rooftop as well, stained in red.
Sepherim tries to materialize a shield, as sweat drips from his forhead, in order to protect himself from the hook
Lyn Farel fidgets and the illusion fades after a few seconds.
Lyn Farel materializes a Bhaalgorn image.
Lyn Farel bites her lip even deeper, blood starting to drip, when the image suddenly changes into various landscapes.
Sepherim steps back, flickers once, prepares the shield a bit, flickers again, and vanishes completely **player has left the match**
Sepherim > what the?!
Sepherim takes his rig off, sweating
Sepherim > that Bhaalgorn was going to hit me!
Lyn Farel unplugs the net.
Samira Kernher glances up at the two as they disconnect.
Lyn Farel's gaze seems slightly wild.
"I am unsure of what happened. This is rather confusing."
Sepherim > yes, I don't know... the Bhaalgorn it was, and the hook, oh and robots and...
Sepherim > you saw them too?
Lyn Farel blinks. "Oh.. Yes! They were part of what I tried to use at some point. I got lost in various things every time I could get my hands on something."
Sepherim > oh, you did that? I thought the machine was creating them...
Sepherim > why would you attack me?
Sepherim raises an eyebrow, curious and stranged
Lyn Farel tilts her head.
"I thought Mindclash was about beating one's opponent."
Samira Kernher > "I poured you both a glass of water. It is on the table."
Lyn Farel  quickly bows her head in apologies. "I must apologize for that I tried to use my unfair knowledge of your past."
Lyn Farel takes a sip from her glass.
Sepherim nods to Samira and takes a sip
Sepherim > I see, defeating the opposite... and I thought we were fighting slaverhounds...
Sepherim realizes something
Sepherim > then you were the slaverhound as well, no?
Lyn Farel frowns, looking at her hands. "I may have thought about something like that at some point."
Lyn Farel > "I am not sure to be fitted for Mind Clash." She adds faintly. "Some people always tell me that my mind is a mess."
Samira Kernher > "It takes practice."
Sepherim nods
Sepherim > I can understand, I couldn't even get a stable image of myself...
Sepherim > but it was... kind of... fun
Lyn Farel > "It is interesting." She turns at Samira. "I wonder if you have some professional players around ?"
Sepherim cleans his forehead from the sweat and looks to Samira waiting for her reply
Samira Kernher > "We don't."
Samira Kernher > "But we will broadcast professional games."
Sepherim > did you see... everything we thought?
Samira Kernher > "Yes, I did."
Samira Kernher > "On the holoprojector."
Lyn Farel eventually notices the red cloud in her glass, and rubs her lip, frowning.
Sepherim > oh
Sepherim turns red at the thought of someone watching him think
Sepherim > I see why there was a rumour in the Navy Intelligence that this could be used to further interrogate targets...
Sepherim > strange game this one is
Lyn Farel > "This is a limited virtual reality. But the technology can be used for such purposes, indeed."
Samira Kernher > "I believe similar methods are used for interrogation, at times.."
Lyn Farel > "With the proper equipement, imprison the mind of someone and create a new environnement. It puts the interrogator in the feet of a demiurge, with the full control of what happens in the VR."
Sepherim > I see... quite extraordinary invention this is
Sepherim > and people in your country play with something as... important... as this?
Lyn Farel looks surprised. "VRs are pretty much part of the lives of a lot of people these days."
Lyn Farel > "Especially in the Alpha cities of the gallente Federation."
Lyn Farel > "Mind Clash is a creative use of that technology."
Sepherim > I see, I guess I've spent too much time in other environments
Sepherim > never even played videogames much
Lyn Farel > "It is actually one of the things I specialize in. Though, I have never really tried mindclash. It seemed more like a game than a proper VR application. It is quite... violent, to my tastes, I have to admit."
Sepherim > if the purpose is to attack the other, then yes, it is violent
Sepherim > then again, most sports are
Sepherim gets up and starts heading to the kitchen, then stops
Lyn Farel > "It is how the Caldari deal with daily pressure, if I understand correctly."
Sepherim > ahm, captain Kernher, could you bring me a glass of whiskey on the rocks?
Sepherim looks unconfortable asking Samira for it
Samira Kernher > "Yes sir."
Sepherim > they relieve pressure by facing eachother in Mind Clash?
Samira Kernher stands up and grabs a whiskey glass, and then places a few ice cubes in it. She then walks up to the tap and fills it.Lyn Farel > "Yes. I think it is a similar purpose than found in some violent videogames."
Samira Kernher steps out from around the counter and walks up to the Mind Clash table. She sets the glass down in front of Sepherim.Samira Kernher > "Here you are, sir."
Samira Kernher > "Is there anything else I can get either of you?" Samira looks between Sepherim and Lyn.
Lyn Farel stands up and slightly bows at them. "Thank you for the welcoming, even if I am not sure to deserve it considering my past with PIE Inc. "
Sepherim > no, nothing more, thank you
Sepherim looks at Lyn but says nothing, letting her explain what she wants and Samira deal with the situationSamira Kernher > "I would not know about past dealings, miss."
Lyn Farel nods. "Please, do forward my greetings to Mr Shutaq."
Sepherim nods, sipping his whiskey
Samira Kernher > "Of course, miss. Have a pleasant evening."
Sepherim > I believe this place could be... appropriate... to settle old grudges
Sepherim > and create new allinces
Samira Kernher > "That is the intent."
Lyn Farel takes her leave.
Samira Kernher walks back to her seat behind the counter.

Sepherim > well, that went pretty nicely, no?
Sepherim smiles, sipping his whiskey with a smile
Samira Kernher > "Yes sir. I hope you enjoyed yourself."
Sepherim > I have indeed, Legionnaire, thank you for everything
Samira Kernher > "You're welcome, sir. Let me know if you need anything else."
Sepherim > I do... a question, mostly
Sepherim > you're a pod pilot, a powerful person with important responsabilities....
Sepherim > how come you're willing to act as a waitress? It shouldn't be your duty
Samira Kernher > "Because I enjoy doing so, sir. I wish to serve."
Sepherim > I see... but... you're in a higher position!
Sepherim > it's like an elephant wanting to be a fly, or something like it, no?
Samira Kernher > "If I was born a fly, and suddenly turned into an elephant, what would I feel more comfortable with?"
Sepherim nods, pondering
Sepherim > I understand....
Sepherim > but I think you were born an elephant, one that for a time had to act as a fly
Samira Kernher > "I was a servant, mister Catillah. It is what I was raised to be."
Sepherim > but the Empire decided you belonged elsewhere
Sepherim > and if the Empire wills it, the rest doesn't matter
Sepherim > you are a pod pilot, your upbringing is... secondary?
Sepherim > not saying you can leave it behind, though
Sepherim > those things, like many others, leave eternal marks on our minds...
Samira Kernher > "I pilot my capsule as well."
Samira Kernher > "And in that I also serve."
Sepherim smiles, a strange smile
Sepherim > you're a peculiar one, Legionnaire Kernher
Sepherim > a really peculiar one
Sepherim lifts his glass in a toast to Samira
Samira Kernher > "How is it peculiar?"
Sepherim > we all serve
Sepherim > but most amarrians are eager to serve in higher positions
Sepherim > and would rarely return to lower ones if it wasn't strictly neccessary
Samira Kernher > "Most Amarrians were not slaves."
Sepherim > no, but we Ni-Kunni were
Sepherim > and most Ni-Kunni wouldn't lower their position the slightest if given the chance
Samira Kernher > "Were you personally a slave, mister Catillah?"
Samira Kernher > "You are generalizing."
Sepherim > no, I was not, that is true
Sepherim > and it is true I generalize...
Sepherim > just... I guess you're the first one I see that acts as you do
Sepherim > and it's a bit... confusing
Samira Kernher > "I do not wish to return to slavery, mister Catillah. But neither do I enjoy... ehm... to lead? To strive for power? I have a choice now, I have freedom, and my choice is to do what I am good at."
Samira Kernher > "Rather than what I am not."
Sepherim nods
Sepherim > it's a brave position, Legionnaire, a very brave one
Samira Kernher > "... how is it brave?"
Sepherim > most people strive for confort, luxury, power...
Sepherim > it's brave to resist those impulses and sacrifice one's well-being for that one does better, for what would serve the whole
Sepherim shrugs as he puts down the empty glass
Sepherim > but my time has come for tonight, gotta get some things sorted before retiring to bed
Sepherim > may you be well, Legionnaire
Sepherim smiles, as he gets up to head to the door
Samira Kernher > "Good night, sir."
Sepherim offers Samira a military salute and heads to the door

lunes, 18 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 19th, year 115

Today I lost another Punisher in the frontlines after securing several plexes. But Arayar has fallen to the enemy. I seem to have developed a certain fondness to the system, I guess it reminds me of the time in the service of Admiral Saracen, at the beginning of the war. My wing was stationed in those systems, back then, and those were the last good times in the Imperial Navy, before my breakdown... In any case, it saddens me to see it in enemy hands, and will do my best to try and bring it back into the Imperial fold.

In any case, since I had no more ships fitted, I took one of the Punishers given to me by the misterious man, who according to Commander Shutaq belonged to the Ordo Quaesitoris (apparently, these apparels come from the Keter of that Ordo, which I believe was the Sepherim that led them, but am not completely sure as most logs are lost). In any case, I returned to the main systems in the Empire in order to organize all that I've received, sell what I don't want and fit the Punisher. There's still much to do in that regard, but at least part of the job is done.

I also went by the new place the AVCL is putting together to receive their Caldari counterparts, and I must say it is looking well. I even had a Caldari meal to try their spicy things, and though I liked the fish, I think I will stick to my hamburgers and sodas and whiskey diet. Those "ellaborate" dishes are not in my line of junk food, but I guess the cook wanted to impress me and, specially, his superiors.

Oh, true, probably the best part of the dinner was speaking with Commander Goldcore and Legionnaire Kernher outside the formal areas of the Praetoria and the combat needs. It was a nice chat about Caldaris, their plans, and the strange meals we were trying. Refreshing. I hope we soon get our new rooms for the Praetorians to socialize, I'm really looking forward to that.

domingo, 17 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 17th, year 115

Today, another of the Chosen has fallen from grace. Captain Von Khan no longer holds any rank inside the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, and his disgrace is public all over the IGS. He became infatuated by a sani sabik, a captain by the name of Silas Vitalia, and his desire made him a puppet at her hands. Fortunately, she's more a drama queen than a real puppeteer, and decided to make the facts public instead of using him as an inside informer within the Praetoria.

But this is a hard lesson for all of us, for even those that supposedly are the purest and most perfect of amarrians, can fall prey to lust, greed and other flaws that destroy them as persons. We're not invulnerable. I had seen it too often in the Imperial Navy, and I too was destroyed for a time due to the combination of guilt, doubts and whiskey.

I had hoped pod pilots would be different, even if they were arrogant self-loving bastards, they were loyal to their causes. But I guess that I soon saw that was not the case, as my meeting with Holder Caine (who, by the way, is going to be put to trial, apparently) soon proved. But now, this is not an ex-member of an organization of dubious reputation, to say the least, but one of the fellow members of the Praetoria that falls. This strikes much closer.

We must remain forever vigilant, even about those among them. The enemy can be tempting, and knows how to resort to pressing on our weak spots. Vigilance, will, determination, loyalty, service... those are the tools that can help us walk on this narrow and twisted path that sepparates the righteous from those that fail to uphold such a high honor and position.

miércoles, 13 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 14th, year 115

Today was a strange day. The Minmatarr Republic made a parade now that the tribe's ambassadors are going to once again meet and take again the control of the Republic. Or something like it. I must admit I wanted us to make a show there and make our stance that we hope this will bring a new era of peace and a change between our relations, but Admiral Newelle contacted Admiral Ren Karetta of the 3rd Imperial Fleet, and gave us all order to stand down and do nothing about it. I'm sure Admiral Newelle knows what she's doing, so there was no doubt in my mind that I should stand down. I believe Fweddit pilots shot at the convoy, but I'll have to wait for tomorrow's news for a confirmation on this.

The goodside of the issue is that a lot of Minmatarr pilots were giving the fleet a "honor escort", so I could work in the Bleak Lands almost unhindered. Only a few wartargets and pirates showed up while captain Ponky and I secured Arayar. We almost took two of them down, but a third one coming in made us decide to withdraw and call it a day.

Strange thing, as I was docked in Arayar ready to spend the night in a hotel, a strange man approached me. Heavily implanted, he claimed to be a legio, whatever that may be; he certainly didn't look like a soldier, just a strange looking servant. He came directly to me and offered me some codes, without explanation on what they did or where. He said:

-Use them, and unlock their secrets for yourself. You have a duty to uphold in the Empire, and they'll help you to it. And, from now on, stand up to the name of the organization you fight for, and become Aldrith Shutaq's guardian angel. Tell him "that the Crown offers what little is left of it, in order to secure the safety of the Empire, that no questions remain for it to be answer, but it doesn't forget and is proud of what it sees". He'll understand.-

And with that, the strange man left. I asked for explanations, but none were provided. I went back into my ship and ran a check on those codes to see if they had viruses or worms, but they seemed clean. So I unlocked them, and with it several stashes of equipment became available to me on different systems. Some modules, a bay full with a dozen unused Punishers, a list of contacts in the Imperial Navy and elsewhere, and a Prophecy ship fitted ready to fly: the [i]Crown Guidance[/i]. Seems like whatever the crown is, and wherever it may guide me, it wishes me to defend the Empire with this weapon, and I intend to do so.

From on now, the ship will be known as the TES Light of Amarr and will fulfill it's duty to the Empire. And I'll be the Commander's guarding angel in exchange. But I have to find out whatever this crown is, maybe the Commander will know, maybe not. I guess I'll have to wait for his reply to my message.

martes, 12 de febrero de 2013

The Twisted Reflection

I look at myself in the mirror, but can't recognize the image it brings back. Where I have long dark hair, I can only see the baldness of his skull; I have a well rounded beard, and yet his grin is barely covered by a two day lack of self-attention; if my eyes are dark and determined, his are icy blue and fully demented; he also lacks the tattoo in my face and my implants, his own hidden from sight inside his brain.

And yet, he is my mirrored image.

Where I have duty, he has blind obedience. If I see submission to the purpose and the structure, he accepts only submission to him. I understand slavery as a step toward greater freedom and unity, he accepts slavery as the perfect and final state. When I worship the Empress and the Empire, he worships himself alone. I seek peace through unity, he fights for peace through annulment. Where I believe in the unity of duty and discipline, he accepts only the unity through losing control of the self. If I value the acceptance of each one in his place, he forces them to that position and destroys the possibility of resistance.

I am life, and he is death. I am myself. He is Sansha Kuvakei, or any of the many slaves that are just broadcasting centers for his maddened self. And yet, in a way, he still is the twisted reflection of all that I value, the mockery of all I stand for. The extreme opposite of the Blood Raiders I so much hate, which are the other twisted image of who I am. To the madness annulling self of one, and the demented exaltation of the self the others are, only duty, service and honor can stand like a stone against the waves, invulnerable for eternity, resisting each and every one of their attempts to advance.

domingo, 10 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 11th, year 115

Today has been a long, complicated and terrifying day; one filled with glory, horror and teachings; one to show the price of success and failure. But, most of all, it was a day of duty.

It all started with the call of Commander Shutaq and Commander Goldcore to organize a fleet and march together to the Bleak Lands. There were many of us rallying under the banner of the Praetoria Imperialis Excubitoris, advancing as one from Sahtogas to Arayar which the Minmatarr had contested. It was strange, gratifying and tense to be again flying in a military squad, ready to face the enemy wherever we may meet them, and secure the hubs needed to defend the Empire.

And meet the enemy we did, no doubt. Our lasers tore through their hulls as my Punisher held them pinned to their position, without the chance to flee. The Amarr Empire rewarded me for the destruction of six hostiles, though I only appeared in the killmails of two of them: captain Stuntmanjr and captain Ryan Cayanne, which I also podded. It's strange to one again see the lasers pierce through the hulls of enemy ships, I thought I wouldn't have the will and strength to do it calmly, and yet, once in the midst of combat, the only thing that remained was the years of training, slowly coming back. Duty guiding the path, the voice of the commanding officer issuing the orders, and enemies falling under our righteous fire.

Terrifying, glorious, exilarating. Only captain Kernher fell in combat, mostly due to the unfortunate event of warping right to where the enemy fleet was assembling.

We prevented the enemies from taking the Arayar system tonight, and reorganized afterwards. Admiral Shutaq transferred to me several ships from the Praetoria's offices, and I noticed all of them have the TES tag. So I took down the INS I was using like in my times in the Imperial Navy. It was harder than I thought, that I must admit, but it was also a relief to now take on the new tag, as appropriate to my current path.

Then, though most of the fleet had to leave by then, Commander Shutaq led me and Zelorr again into the frontlines, to secure Tzvi and then, again, Arayar. We moved swiftly through space, and finally approached the ihub in the contested system, and spread to secure the most number of installations possible as we had before. There was only one wartarget in the system, and didn't seem like he'd come out.

I was wrong.

I entered the novice installation and, just a second behind, in came the enemy ship. Captain Kok Kokovich, a name I'll never forget. We were alone, and my reflexes proved not to be quick enough. I'm still too rusty... lack too much training. My Coercer went down before I could almost launch my drones, and my pod followed soon after.

I woke up back in Amarr. As I dictate this now to the diary, I can still feel my body tremble by the experience of death. My first time through the line. I am still too shaken right now to be able to properly put it to words. It's just...

((Entry recording interrupted after ten seconds of silence.))

miércoles, 6 de febrero de 2013

Personal Diary: February 6th, year 115

Phase 2 of the plan is complete, albeit with a week of delay from the expected plans. But, finally, the INS Doombringer, my Harbinger Battlecruiser, is docked beside the INS Wraith that has served me so well. It's going to be strange to leave it behind, but I know the Harbinger will be all I need to keep my isk flowing thanks to the contacts that I've been making and that bring me the isk I'll need to be able to maintain myself in the frontlines.

It's going to be good to be in a Harbinger again, it's a ship that brings a lot of fond memories to mind. Specially the beautiful Eleonora, which at one time I almost proposed marriage to... though I guess life got in the way. Well, life and that asshole Commander Ibrahim, may he forever be damned! But better remain on the good memories, and forget her departure from my side.

She probably is the woman that has marked me the most in my life. She's not been my unique girlfriend, certainly not the first one, but she's responsible for a lot of what I am now, good and bad. Like the tatoo around my eye, which I did in a tattoo parlor in Tannakan while she got her own. Was some kind of visual bond between us, and I haven't found the will to take it out, even though many years have passed since I flew in a Harbinger, and those same years since I saw her for the last time. Damn Ibrahim...

Anyway, the recently built INS Doombringer will soon start its own road, and new memories will be forged inside it's golden corridors. I still need to muster some isk to finish fitting it, I want it to be invincible and that will require some effort. Which it will repay in time, but until then, some more work will have to be devoted to it. For now, it already counts with tech 2 damage controls and armor repairer, but much more needs to be installed before it can fly.

And once that's done, I'll buy a few more Punishers (or Crucifiers, seems like they're quite good now) and move them and the Wraith to Saikamon or Sahtogas, or Myyhera... don't know yet. To the frontlines, for all that matters, only the Doombringer will remain behind and start paving the way to buying a Damnation... but those are still phase 3 and 4. Still need some time for them to be fulfilled.

Meanwhile, even if things are progressing on this end, I must admit the troubling news that are coming from Caldari space are troublesome. I have always considered them unsure allies, at best, and money-thirsty savages at worst, depending on each case. But what's undoutable is that Tibus Heth is continuing to destroy their way of life and their state as they have created it. And that's something wrong by any book.

Each society has its own way of living, and that must be respected. I wouldn't even wish the pitiful Gallente such a fate. Every nation should be governed by their leaders according to their customs, and not be thrown away for power or glory; that is, at least until they are properly Reclaimed.

But I fear Heth won't leave his position easily. It will probably require the sacrifice of many loyal lives before his reign is over.